- Introduction to Computers
- Introduction to Word processing packages
- Introduction to spreadsheet packages
- Introduction to Presentation
- Introduction to DBMS software
- Introduction to Internet and email
- Introduction to Computers
- Introduction to Word processing packages
- Introduction to spreadsheet packages
- Introduction to Presentation
- Introduction to DBMS software
- Introduction to Internet and email
- Functions of the Computer and It’s Characteristics
- Basic operation in a computer
- Simple presentation skills
- Basic functions of word processing software in creating a document
- Spreadsheet software for calculations and for simple analysis of data
- Concept of algorithms and develops simple programs (Flow charts)
- Scratch programming and simple program development
- Block Editors with simulation
- HTML Basics
- Internet for searching
- Emails for communication
- The Internet safety, security and ethic
- Teacher: TDcrc/OIC M.K.Munasinghe
- Basic functions of the Computer and It’s characteristics
- Basic operation in a computer
- Painting and basic graphic skills
- Simple presentation with created graphics
- Basic word processing software in creating a simple document
- Scratch programming and simple program development
- Block Editors with simulation